Our Makos
Our smallest shark group with our youngest swimmers starting at age 2. These swimmers are total beginners and the lessons focus on building confidence in the water through some buoyancy work and play. Students move up from here once they can confidently submerge and float aided on their front and back.
Jumping in is by far the favourite contrast activity.

Our Reefs
This is our second group of students.
This is where the most noticeable progress is made as students start to move in the water independently. They have a combination of supported swimming and confidence development. Teaching focuses on leg kick with the aim of the students swimming across the pool unaided on their front and back.

Our Hammerheads
Our third largest shark group in the centre of the pool, where students are taught for the first time from the side of the pool.
The focus is on developing the kick and introducing arm pull on front crawl and backstroke, and they are introduced to breaststroke and butterfly leg kick. They also get the chance to learn how to dive at the deep end.

Our Tigers
Next up is Tigers, this is where students are taught breathing and refine their arm pull on front crawl and backstroke. They learn full stroke breaststroke and butterfly. They learn to dive and are introduced to racing starts and turns.

Our Great Whites
The strongest of our width groups. Developing the timing and breathing of all the strokes. They will increase distances to improve stamina and develop their starts and turns. When they are ready they will try out some lengths with our megalodons before transitioning to lengths training.

Our competent swimmers swim lengths where they continue to make improvements to their strokes while building stamina over longer distances. They practice starts and turns and are introduced to racing practices and terminology.